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Elevate learning in higher education

There’s a reason why it’s called higher education. It elevates people—their aspirations, and potential. Google Cloud provides an intelligent suite of tools that powers IT, researchers, faculty, and learners.

Learn more about G Suite for Education, the big data and machine learning tools in Google Cloud Platform, devices, and computer science programs.

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Google Cloud Platform Education Grants for computer science

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Helping universities build what’s next with Google Cloud Platform

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Google Cloud Platform supports $3 million in grants for NSF BIGDATA

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Increase collaboration, not cost, with G Suite for Education

Use Gmail, Google Docs, and more on any device. This suite of free productvity tools facilitates easy classroom collaboration, maximizes productivity, and can be easily deployed and managed by IT.

Power what’s possible with Google Cloud Platform

A simple, powerful set of tools built to take higher education education further. Whether you’re focus is IT infrastructure, research, teaching, or entrepreneurship, you can use Google’s storage, compute, Big Data and Machine Learning solutions to go farther, faster.

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Connect your campus with easy to manage devices

Google’s devices are built for collaboration and simplicity. Provide affordable Chromebooks for loaner programs or campus kiosks, enable teamwork in person or virtually with Jamboard, and deploy Chrome Digital Signage to share news with your community in real time.

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